An ESD of a lesion with IIa + IIb morphology in the sigmoid colon is exposed. This is our DSE number 11 in the hospital in Poniente. A 1.5 mm BT flush-knife and coagrasper for hemostasis has been used as a hydrodissector. Demirex has been used as a submucosa injection solution (excellent master formula of our friend J. Antonio Morales Molina from the Pharmacy service of the Poniente Hospital). Many thanks to Dr. Katsumi Yamamoto (my dear Japanese friend and ESD world expert) for his good advice in this difficult learning curve of the ESD as well as my good friends, Dr. Rosón (an Andalusian and Spanish expert of the ESD), Dr. Guilarte (friend for 24 years and excellent endoscopist) and of course the group of the «DSE polygonera» (a large endoscopic family).
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